Sunday, December 19, 2010

Editorial: Winter Blues,,,

Let me start off by saying this: I'm NOT a fan of winter. My love of Geocaching is not helping that. Winter means it's cold (so you don't want to Geocache), it snows (traveling is harder and so is finding caches) and the days are shorter (meaning less time to Geocache). Overall winter is sort of a Geocachers nightmare, there's been a total of 3 new caches in my area and with the Holidays coming full swing I doubt there will be many more (thus ending my FTF month streak).

And you can see the effects winter is having in my stats, I currently have a total of 7 caches. Compare this to my lowest month July 44(other than when I started Geocaching in mid-March at 42).

Right now I find myself reading Geocaching blogs (Fermentums GeoBlog is a great new one) and the Forums.

So what gets you through the Winter months? Any tips for Geocachers on the hunt in winter (besides the obvious don't get yourself killed tips)?


  1. Thanks for posting about my blog! Yours is a great read and I have become a follower so I can keep posted!

    I know you said you don't like the winter but getting a cache in the snow is awesome!

    Speak Soon

  2. Thanks for the response! I just hate being on top of a geocache covered in snow and thinking "this would be an easy find...". Happy Caching!
